blue and green peacock feather
blue and green peacock feather

Open Datasets

Open Access

Open Datasets

Database of femora (including ontogentic stage, midshaft diameters, estimated body mass and OA scoring) belonging to Prolagus sardus from Medusa Cave (Late Pleistocene, Sardinia).
Publication: Moncunill-Solé, B., et al. 2023. Palaeoworld, in press.

Database of teeth and postcranial measurements of Prolagus figaro and Prolagus sardus (Pleistocene-Holocene, Sardinia)
Publication: Moncunill-Solé, B., et al. 2021. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 582, 110645.

3D model of the paleopathological tibiofibula of the ochotonid from Goldberg (Middle Miocene, Germany)
Publication: Moncunill-Solé, B., et al. 2019. Comptes Rendus Palevol 18, 1011-1023.

Database of main extant taxa of soricids, with lifestyle and body mass
Publication: Moncunill-Solé, B., et al. 2016. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 178, 163-182.

Database of postcranial measurements of Prolagus apricenicus and Prolagus imperialis (Late Miocene, Gargano)
Publication: Moncunill-Solé, B. 2021. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 132, 400-413.

Database of Mammalian Faunal Complexes from Mediterranean Islands from Miocene to Holocene
Publication: Moncunill-Solé, B. 2016. PhD Dissertation. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 288 p.

Database of main extant taxa of extant lagomorphs,
with lifestyle and body mass
Publication: Moncunill-Solé, B., et al. 2015. Journal of Zoology 295, 269-278.

Papers in Open Access

Tooth and long bone scaling in Sardinian ochotonids (Early Pleistocene-Holocene): Evidence for megalodontia and its paleoecological implications
By Moncunill-Solé, B., et al. 2021. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 582, 110645.

Palaeohistology reveals a slow pace of life for the dwarfed Sicilian elephant
By Köhler, M., et al. 2021. Scientific Reports 11, 22862.






















For those papers not published in open access, please feel free to contact me by message or email, and I can send you a private copy.

Fossil Lagomorpha (Mammalia) of Italy: Systematics and biochronology
By Angelone, A., et al. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 126, 157-187.

Ecological and life-history correlates of enamel growth in ruminants (Artiodactyla)
By Jordana, X., et al. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112, 657-667.

Reconsidering locomotor habits and life style of the Balearic insular giant rodent Hypnomys Bate, 1918 from the allometry of the limb long bones
By Quintana Cardona, J. & Moncunill-Solé, B. Comptes Rendus Palevol 13, 297-306.


