I am staff of the popular science magazine Principia (Madrid, Spain) and the outreach project Divulcat (coordinated and edited by the Catalan Encyclopedia Foundation for the Research and Innovation, Spain). I have also participated in the British Magazine NatureVolve. I have been interviewed by newspapers, contributed with talks in outreach sessions and round tables, and with paleontology workshops for child in open-doors events and Geology Olympiads. In addition, I participate in innovative social projects which bring science close to child, senior citizens and young people with disabilities.

My participation in outreach activities has the main goal of transmitting the knowledge that I have generated and have gained to the community. I also would like to prompt STEM vocations to child and teenagers, with special interest in girls. 


Lectures and Workshops

Media interviews and Round tables

Innovative social projects

  1. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2024. La vida extinta de les illes mediterrànies: piques, conills i eriçons gegants. 09/07/2024. Divulcat. Link.

  2. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2023. Coellos de oito quilos: así eran os xigantes extintos das illas mediterráneas. 06/12/2023. GCiencia. Link.

  3. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2023. Los gigantes extintos de las islas mediterráneas. 04/12/2023. The Conversation. Link.

  4. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2023. Lucy-fer, el australopitecto maldito. Principia, Temporada 9, Volumen 1, 17, pp. 24-27. Link.

  5. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2023. ¡Hay un tardígrado en la luna! 05/06/2023. Principia. Link.

  6. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2022. The Pleistocene pygmy elephant from Sicily. NatureVolve, issue 12, pp. 15. Link.

  7. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2022. Próxima parada: ¡Extinción! Principia, Temporada 8, Volumen 1, 15, pp. 12-15. Link.

  8. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2021. Hell Creek, l'últim alè del paradís mesozoic. 01/09/2021. Divulcat. Link.

  9. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2021. Azul na'vi. Principia, Temporada 7, Volumen 1, 13, pp. 92-95. Link.

  10. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2021. Madagascar i els lèmurs subfòssils. 13/01/2021. Divulcat. Link.

  11. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2020. El dinosaure geperut dels aiguamolls de Las Hoyas. 02/09/2020. Divulcat. Link.

  12. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2020. L'elefant nan de Sicília i Malta. 12/06/2020. Divulcat. Link.

  13. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2020. Què fem els paleontòlegs? 05/06/2020. Divulcat. Link.

  14. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2020. Queridas abuelas, os saludan vuestros genes desde el futuro. 30/10/2020. Principia. Link.

  15. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2020. ¡Soy una pika, no un ratón! 16/04/2020. Principia. Link.

  16. Moncunill-Solé, B., et al. 2020. An infected knee: The oldest pathological record reported in lagomorphs. 13/03/2020. UABDivulga. Link.

  17. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2019. Una historia de grandes y pequeños. 07/10/2019. Principia. Link.

  18. Moncunill-Solé, B., Blanco, A. 2019. Flotando en medio del mar. 28/03/2019. Principia. Link.

  19. Moncunill-Solé, B. 2018. From island to island: the trip of a giant rat (Mikrotia magna). 21/11/2018. UABDivulga. Link.

  1. 2023. Scientific collaborator and workshop organizer in Open-Door Days 2022/2023. Facultade de Ciencias, Universidade da Coruña. Link.

  2. 2023. Scientific organizer and participant of the XIV Geology Olympiad (Galician Stage). Facultade de Ciencias, Universidade da Coruña. Link.

  3. 2022. Scientific collaborator and workshop organizer in Open-Door Days 2021/2022. Facultade de Ciencias, Universidade da Coruña. Link.

  4. 2022. Scientific organizer and participant of the XIII Geology Olympiad (Galician Stage). Facultade de Ciencias, Universidade da Coruña. Link.

  5. 2021. De conejos gigantes y elefantes enanos: una visión paleobiológica de las islas. 27a Happy Hour CICA-INIBIC, A Coruña, España. Link.

  1. 2024. Mesa redonda sobre Voacións Científicas dentro del ciclo de conferencias "Ciencia en feminino". GCiencia and Deputación de Pontevedra 14/03/2024. Links: news, round table.

  2. 2023. Outro exemplo da destrución de ecosistemas: a chegada do home a Cerdeña derivou na extinción das picas xigantes. Galicia Confidencial 07/10/2023. Link.

  3. 2023. As explotacións mineiras destruíron moitos restos fósiles en Galicia. GCiencia 28/09/2023. Link.

  4. 2022. Arranca el estudio de los restos fósiles de la mina de As Pontes de la mano de la UDC. El Correo Gallego 15/08/2022, 8-9. Link.

  5. 2022. Parientes de los conejos dominaron las islas baleares y posiblemente las gallegas. El Correo Gallego 15/08/2022, 9. Link.

  6. 2022. Un viaje al pasado entre fósiles ponteses. El Progreso 12/09/2022, 12. Link.

  • 2024. Teacher in the inclusive lab sessions with "Espazo Compartido" guys in the subject "Crysallography and Symmetry" (1st year Nanosciences and Nanotechnology). Consello Social Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña. Link.

    Espazo Compartido is a university training programme in personal and social skills and basic competencies aimed at improving employability and promoting inclusion in the labour market for young people with cognitive disabilities. This project was created to open the university space to groups that cannot access ordinary channels due to barriers in accessing higher education, promoting the inclusion of all participants and their families in the university community. Espazo Compartido is a firm commitment to university social responsibility and an example of the University of A Coruña’s commitment to society and to the right to a decent education for a group at risk of social exclusion. This is a pioneering initiative within the regional university system and one of the first at the national level. The teaching team responsible for the training programme is made up of professionals with proven experience in the field of care for people with disabilities and attention to diversity. The programme also has the collaboration of technical specialists in attention to diversity. Link.

  • 2022. Scientific collaborator in the project "Un viaje en el tiempo". Asociación Familiares Enfermos Alzheimer A Coruña, A Coruña. Link.

    This is an inter-generational program with the main objective to create a common space (activities, play, or experiences) between two different age groups: child and senior citizens with Alzheimer or other dementia. The participants can travel among different historical stages through different activities and workshops. This project want to strengthen the solidarity between both age groups, prompting emotional ties that allow them to prosper.

  • 2014. Scientific collaborator in the project "Magnet. Aliances per l'èxit eductatiu". Fundació Bofill, Barcelona. Link.

    This program has the main goal of supporting the education centers in the development of a transformative project which is carried out together with an research center of excellence. This collaboration allows to the education center to develop an innovative and high-quality educative project, which become a reference project in the country, families and social community. This innovative project have the main goal of reversing the segregated schooling, prompting a balanced schooling.

Cover of the NaturEvolve magzine, issue devoted to talk about paleontologyCover of the NaturEvolve magzine, issue devoted to talk about paleontology
Cover of the Principia magazine, issue devoted to short stories about science and musicCover of the Principia magazine, issue devoted to short stories about science and music
Cover of the Principia magazine, issue devoted to short stories about science and moviesCover of the Principia magazine, issue devoted to short stories about science and movies
Cover of the article "Parientes de los conejos dominaron las islas baleares", writtne by B MoncunillCover of the article "Parientes de los conejos dominaron las islas baleares", writtne by B Moncunill
Cover of the Principia magazine, issue devoted to short stories about creepy scienceCover of the Principia magazine, issue devoted to short stories about creepy science
Cover of the article "Los gigantes extintos de las islas mediterráneas", written by Blanca MoncunillCover of the article "Los gigantes extintos de las islas mediterráneas", written by Blanca Moncunill



  1. 2024. Lucy-fer, el australopitecto maldito. Ciencia espeluznante, episodio 6 (8 Oct 2024). Links: Amazon Music, Spotify e iVoox.

Front cover of the podcast Ciencia Espeluznante, Chapter 6: Lucy-fer, the cursed australopithecusFront cover of the podcast Ciencia Espeluznante, Chapter 6: Lucy-fer, the cursed australopithecus